
Design Patterns in Java Course

สิ่งที่คุณจะได้รับหลังจากเรียนหลักสูตรอบรม Design Patterns in Java

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and practices of software design patterns using Java. Students will explore various design patterns, understand their implementation, and learn how to apply them to create robust, reusable, and maintainable software solutions.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of design patterns in software development
  • Identify and analyze common design problems and solutions
  • Learn how to implement creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns in Java
  • Apply design patterns to create flexible and scalable software architectures
  • Gain hands-on experience through practical exercises, assignments, and projects

Design Patterns in Java Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Design Patterns

  • Overview of design patterns
  • Importance and benefits of design patterns in software development
  • Types of design patterns: Creational, Structural, Behavioral

Module 2: Creational Design Patterns

  • Singleton Pattern
  • Factory Method Pattern
  • Abstract Factory Pattern
  • Builder Pattern
  • Prototype Pattern

Module 3: Structural Design Patterns

  • Adapter Pattern
  • Bridge Pattern
  • Composite Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Facade Pattern
  • Proxy Pattern

Module 4: Behavioral Design Patterns

  • Observer Pattern
  • Strategy Pattern
  • Command Pattern
  • Iterator Pattern
  • Template Method Pattern
  • State Pattern
  • Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Module 5: Applying Design Patterns in Java

  • Best practices for implementing design patterns in Java
  • Refactoring and optimizing code using design patterns
  • Real-world examples and case studies
  • Design patterns in Java frameworks and libraries

Module 6: Hands-on Projects and Case Studies

  • Practical application of design patterns in Java
  • Building software solutions using multiple design patterns
  • Group projects and code reviews

Module 7: Testing and Maintenance with Design Patterns

  • Testing strategies for code developed using design patterns
  • Maintenance and evolution of software architecture with design patterns
  • Anticipating changes and adapting patterns to evolving requirements

Module 8: Advanced Topics and Emerging Patterns

  • Exploring advanced design patterns
  • Emerging trends and new patterns in software design
  • Discussion on anti-patterns and pitfalls to avoid

Assessment and Evaluation:

  • Assignments: Regular coding assignments focusing on implementing design patterns
  • Projects: Larger projects involving the application of multiple design patterns
  • Quizzes/Exams: Assessing theoretical understanding and practical application
  • Participation: Contribution to discussions, group projects, and class activities


  • Intermediate knowledge of Java programming language
  • Understanding of object-oriented programming concepts

Recommended Resources:

  • "Head First Design Patterns" by Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra
  • "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides




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